When did Lab-created Diamonds Start?

Lab-created or Lab-grown diamonds (also known as synthetic diamonds) were first produced in 1954 by General Electric (GE) as part of a project that started in the 1940s. Before then, since 1797, scientists had tried and failed to create lab-grown diamonds.

Lab-created diamonds were originally produced using the high-pressure, high-temperature process (HPHT). HPHT utilizes high pressure and high temperatures to form carbon into diamonds, mirroring the natural process of diamond formation.

Today, most lab-created diamonds are produced via a process called Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD). This process involves heating a diamond seed in a chamber with carbon gas, which results in the carbon adhering to the seed and forming a bigger diamond.

CVD gives scientists more control over the properties of synthetic diamonds, enabling the creation of sizable, gem-quality diamonds. Also, CVD can take place at lower pressure and temperature, resulting in a more economical method.

The distinctions between natural diamonds and lab-grown diamonds are imperceptible to the human eye. Natural diamonds contain trace levels of nitrogen, but lab-grown diamonds are nitrogen-free. In fact, gemologists utilize this as one of the indicators to determine whether a diamond is natural or lab-created.

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