When is Aunt and Uncle Day?

July 26th is the annual date of Aunt and Uncle Day celebration.

When you spend so much time with your extended family—during the holidays, summer vacations, and family gatherings—your ties with your aunts and uncles become invaluable. Whether it’s the memorable moments or the tough and good times, our aunts and uncles are always there for us.

A lot of the time, their kids were our closest friends; on occasion, our aunts and uncles filled the role of babysitter and other times, we sought their counsel and assistance in situations where we could not consult our parents.

There’s a lot to be grateful for when it comes to aunts and uncles; therefore, don’t forget to show them your gratitude on that day with gifts, treats, and lots of love.

Further, the origin of National Aunt and Uncle Day is uncertain. However, it is certain that people have been honoring their parent’s siblings for a considerable period.

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